Directed by: Louis Leterrier
Release date: June 13th, 2008
Rating: 6/10

The Incredible Hulk, while technically in the MCU, really feels like MCU adjacent. The only character that had returned from the movie is General Ross, and technically Tony Stark in a post-credit scene. The actor for Bruce Banner changes, and there are very few connections to the larger universe. Since Hulk came out in 2003 and this came out in 2008, this is not an origin story. A decision that makes sense at the time, but I think it would've been better if it were. It loosely follows the origin in the 2003 Hulk, but not really. Thus, we get flashbacks that hint towards those events. The film assumes that we know the origin of the Hulk, which most do, but the dialogue seems as if we are supposed to remember certain events that we didn't see. I think this makes us, the audience, feel taken out of the movie, because we can't relate to it as much. I feel as if this movie is made up of 3 big set-pieces and then strung together scenes that get us from set-piece to set-piece. These action set-pieces are entertaining, but not entertaining enough to save the movie. I think they should've done more stuff like they did in the first act when Bruce was on the run in Brazil. That was interesting and it was a place that, if he Hulked out, would be very bad because of everything being so close together, thereby adding tension. It's entertaining, but it has plenty of issues that I can't get past.