Directed by: Anthony & Joe Russo
Release date: April 26th, 2019
Rating: 10/10

Avengers: Endgame is truly the culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While we all liked to say that about Avengers: Infinity War, because it was left on a cliffhanger and especially since they were shot back to back, this film is the end cap on what they've been building towards since Iron Man in 2008. Personally, I liked this slightly more that Infinity War. While Infinity War had a lot of great sequences and traveled from story-line to story-line, this film focuses on 1. And I think it's that focus and the fact that, because of the Snap, mostly only the original 6 Avengers are the ones that are left makes it more intimate, and more compelling than Infinity War to me. Also, the end battle....holy shit. Probably the BEST thing I have ever seen in a comic book movie ever. it makes the airport battle in Civil War look like children fighting in the sandbox at recess. Fantastic film and it deserves to be the highest grossing film in history.