Directed by: Clint Eastwood
Release date: December 13th, 2019
Rating: 9/10

Richard Jewell is the story of the 1996 Olympic bombing during which a security guard, Richard Jewell, discovers the bomb, saving lives. Later, he was infamously blamed for planting the bomb by the media and the FBI. Richard Jewell tells a story that is all too familiar in this day and age, even though the events took place in 1996. The control that the media has on public perception of Jewell is still something that is controversial even today.
Clint Eastwood does a fantastic Jon directing this biopic. This is the best film he’s made in some time. When it comes down to it, this is a character driven story, so a lot of the heavy lifting comes down to the actors. Eastwood couldn’t have picked a better cast to support this movie.
Kathy Bates does an amazing job as Richard’s mother. Her character is confused, scared, and most of all concerned for her son. Sam Rockwell is fantastic as Watson Bryant, Richard’s lawyer. He’s tough, but fair; and most of all wants to keep Richard out of prison. I think the most standout performance comes from Paul Walter Hauser as the titular character. Not only does he resemble Jewell in looks, but his mannerisms as well. He comes across as a simple, loving person who just wants to help people, even if he isn’t 100% sure how to do that. While the entire cast does a fantastic job, I don’t think this movie would be what it is without Hauser at it’s center.
Another point I want to mention is the bombing sequence. Of course, even if you’re unfamiliar with the details of the 1996 bombing, you still know that a bomb is going to go off. Within the scene there’s even a considerable amount of time between when they find out there is an actual bomb and it going off. Still, the way it’s directed kept me on the edge of my seat. The tension is masterfully woven throughout this entire sequence.
One of my issues with the film is that it does start to drag a little towards the end of the film. Even though it’s still interesting to learn more about Jewell and how the events happened, from a film standpoint it starts to slow down.
Another issue I have is that the film is clearly bias towards Jewell. Not that I believe he did it, I don’t. However, the characters from the FBI and the media are very much painted to seem like awful people. Since this is based on a true story, I can’t attest to how those people actually were. Maybe they were exactly like the film and the actors portrayed them. To me though, it seems as if Eastwood took a few liberties and made them a but more malicious than these people actually were.
Richard Jewell is a wonderfully acted, well directed, and overall great biopic. The entire cast brings their A game and absolutely crushes it. Apart from a few pacing issues, this movie is a great dramatization of the events that took place in Richard Jewell’s life and the 1996 Olympic bombing. This is one of Clint Eastwood’s better films in recent years and I can’t wait to see what he does next; as well as Paul Walter Hauser.