Directed by: Quentin Tarantino
Release Date: July 26th, 2019
Rating: 8/10

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is Tarantino’s 9th and latest film about a 1960s film star and his stunt double played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt respectively. I really like this movie. It’s toned down for a Tarantino film, but it still very much has that vibe to it. I have only seen it once but I feel that it’s the best the first time you see it. The tension that Tarantino builds in some of the sequences are amazing, but I think once you know what’s going to happen, it’s a little less exciting. The acting is incredible, Leo especially shines throughout the movie but the sequence where he’s guest starring as a heavy on a western tv show is enticing to watch. If you’re a fan of Tarantino you’ll like this movie, if you think his movies are too intense, you’ll like this movie. Played very safe, but still enjoyable all the same.